onsdag 25. november 2015

LR4 - Light and render the fish

Lighting and rendering the fish

Busy week! Because I know that the render will take time. And there is so many things we're going to do this week that I do not know anything about. But let's take a look and see how it goes. 


I started with researching underwater scenes and figuring out what made it look like a underwater scene. Figured out how lights would work. Had a lot of lectures learning about volumetric lights and fog and fake caustics etc. Once I was sure I figured out all the technical stuff I started working with my scene and made the seabed and everything. I made a "Godray Light" It is basically a spot light that I'm not allowing all the light to come out from. But to see the godrays the way I wanted I had much work ahead. Because now I started making the fog. It was so hard to make and I was so freaking proud when I finally managed to do it. And because I managed to do it, and since I used so much time and tried so many things, I learned so much! I was able to help multiple of my classmates with theirs also because of that. And it was so much fun learning others. It was much stress and much BS but in the end I'm really satisfied with everything I learned. 

In the end

After this week I've learned much and I understand much more. I'm very happy with my final render. and now you have to tell me what you think. 

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