3 Weeks Animation Project
I made a Timebudget before starting
I started of planning what I wanted to make.
Brief 1) The Character is trying to get an object that is out of reach. Give the character a clear motivation for why they want it and how they go about getting it. The character may or may not end up achieving their goal. Show a build up or change of emotion throughout the shot. (Eg, )Have a clear beginning and a conclusion.
So I managed to figure out what I should make. So I started planning it, Did some research of other projects to see how better people than me have made their projects. And got a few ideas about what I should make.
Come Friday and I shot my reference. I took a lot of takes but I took the best parts and put them together to a reference.
Thursday next week was I supposed to start blocking but I wasn't finished with my reference at that point so the blocking started Friday.
And it's hard to admit but I didn't take time to get the feedback on Monday but rather used the day to continue with the animation. When I was done with the blocking I started animating and filling in the blanks. And it was a tight fit but I managed to finish in time to render and deliver.
Have been a few hard weeks. My biggest regret was that I did not use my chances to get feedback. I think that would have helped alot with the animation. And I feel like watching the animation over and over again that I start getting a bit blind to my mistakes and what could have been better.
I hope you do enjoy the idea even though I know that there is room for much improvements here. But I should have managed my time better.
3DDA 15/16
- David Aune